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robin@szbonad.com +86 13352924160


Understanding IPXXB vs. IP2X in IP Ratings

The differences between IPXXB and IP2X

IPXXB and IP2X are terms used in the Ingress Protection (IP) rating system to indicate protection against solid objects and access to hazardous parts. Here’s a clear comparison between the two:


IPXXB: This rating ensures that equipment is protected against access by a test finger. Specifically, it means that a jointed test finger, 12 mm in diameter and 80 mm in length, cannot touch hazardous parts inside the enclosure.


IP2X: This rating indicates protection against the ingress of solid foreign objects with a diameter of 12.5 mm or larger. It involves testing with a sphere probe of 12.5 mm diameter, ensuring it cannot fully enter the enclosure. Additionally, like IPXXB, IP2X ensures the test finger cannot access hazardous parts.


Key Differences between IPXXB and IP2X: While both ratings prevent direct contact with hazardous parts using a 12 mm diameter test finger, IP2X offers additional protection against larger solid objects entering the enclosure (12.5 mm diameter or more). This extra level of security is not covered by the IPXXB rating.


In summary, while IPXXB and IP2X both safeguard against finger access to hazardous parts, IP2X provides added assurance by also protecting against larger solid objects entering the equipment’s enclosure.

Related products:

IP2X test finger

IP2X 12.5mm sphere probe



Contact: Robin Zhou

Phone: +86 13352924160

E-mail: robin@szbonad.com

Whatsapp:+86 13352924160

Add: C505 Hongdu Building, Zone 45 , Baoan District, Shenzhen City, 518100, China